Hooks API

Use native or third-party bridges as "hooks" for your dispatch calls


Developers can use the Hooks API to secure their messages either through native bridges like for Optimism or use other third-party bridge vendors.

There are cases where you may feel the MultisigISM or your own configured ISM security isn't sufficient for your application and instead you want the security of a native bridge like Optimism or a third-party vendor like Wormhole. You can opt-in to such do so with hooks without leaving the purview of the Mailbox interface and needing a bridge-specific implementation. Hooks can also be used as routes specified for the Aggregation ISM.

Hooks come in a pair of contracts, the IMessageHook on the source chain and HookISM on the destination chain. IMessageHook provides you the postDispatch method which you can call after IMailbox.dispatch providing the destination domain and the messageId. You pass on the messageId as payload to configured external provider (defined by the hook) which interacts with the corresponding HookISM contract on the destination chain. If the ISM can verify the validity of the messageId, the message can be delivered successfully by the relayer.

Note: You need to deploy the HookISM contract on the destination chain and then you use this as the argument for the hook constructor (the HookISM contract address is immutable). Once you deploy the hook, you need to go back and set the hook address from the source chain.

The last step is to configure the message recipient with the HookISM. Now, the message is secured by the underlying security mechanism of the hook. Currently, two hook types have been implemented. They are:

  • OptimismMessageHook for sending messages using Optimism's native CrossDomainMessenger as the underlying message passing provider.

  • ERC5164Hook which can support any bridge provider which implements the ERC-5164 standard interface. Check out multibridge for some examples.

Optimism Hook

Optimism and all the OP Stack chains use the CrossDomainMessenger interface for general message passing, L1CrossDomainMessenger to send messages from the L1 and the precompile L2CrossDomainMessenger to relay the messages onto L2. The canonical rollup bridge is the most trust-minimized bridge because Ethereum is able to verify the rollup state of OP stack deployed on it.

The OptimismMessageHook sends the messageId to the L1CrossDomainMessenger which registers it as an Optimism TransactionDeposited event with ETH deposit and message data which gets picked up by the rollup node. The rollup node calls the precompiled contract L2CrossDomainMessenger's relayMessage function which in turn makes calls configured OptimismISM contract, setting the messageId in the verifiedMessageId's mapping to the original L1 sender (ie. the user). The relayer carries just the message with no metadata, waiting for the Optimism node to pick and make a storage write to Optimism and the message delivery is then verified.

Note: Optimism provides you with 1.92 million gas so you won't need to pay for L2 execution.

Example usage

For using the hook, first make sure the corresponding OptimismISM has been deployed and they make an additional postDispatch call.

// from l2
OptimismISM ism = new OptimismISM(l2Messenger);

// from l1
OptimismMessageHook hook = new OptimismMessageHook(destinationDomain, l1Messenger, address(ism));

// from l2

// from l1
IMailbox mailbox = Mailbox(0x345...);

bytes32 messageId = mailbox.dispatch(destinationDomain, recipient, payload);
uint256 gasOverhead = hook.postDispatch(destinationDomain, messageId);

ERC-5164 Hook

All ERC-5164 compatible bridge vendors have to implement contracts IMessageDispatcher and IMessageExecutor.

The ERC-5164 hook calls the dispatchMessage function on the IMessageDispatcher which send messages to IMessageExecutor at the specified toChainId. The executor contract has the special access to write to the ERC5164ISM contract, setting the messageId in the verifiedMessageId's mapping to the original source chain sender (ie. the user). The relayer carries just the message with no metadata, waiting for the bridge provider to prove the validity and transport the message to the destination chain and the message delivery is then verified.

This open interface allows any third party bridge provider like Wormhole or Telepathy to implement the interface and be supported by the ERC5164Hook out-of-the-box. This is especially useful if you want the reliability and security of a diverse set of bridge vendors by using the Aggregation ISM.

Example usage

For using the hook, first make sure the corresponding ERC5164ISM has been deployed and they make an additional postDispatch call.

// from source
ERC5164ISM ism = new ERC5164ISM(dispatcherAddress);

// from l1
ERC5164MessageHook hook = new ERC5164MessageHook(destinationDomain, executorAddress, address(ism));

// from l2

// from l1
IMailbox mailbox = Mailbox(0x345...);

bytes32 messageId = mailbox.dispatch(destinationDomain, recipient, payload);
uint256 gasOverhead = hook.postDispatch(destinationDomain, messageId);

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